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How to clean WetWall

1 Feb 2017, 2:57 PM

Wetwall panels help to reduce the build up of dirt and grime. To keep them in tip-top condition, a minimal amount of cleaning is required. 

Wetwall panels can be cleaned using normal soap, water and a soft cloth. Alternatively a non-scratch liquid cleaner can be used such as ShowerWall SuperClean.

showerwall superclean

On a day to day basis or after every use it’s best to rinse the panels and then clean off the excess water with the squeegee or a soft cloth. Wiping down the laminate surface after every use will help to prevent the build up of residue and limescale. Finally, to achieve that sought-after streak free finish, remove any remaining water using a high quality microfibre cloth. Pay special attention to areas of exposed sealant, these should be wiped clean to prevent the build-up of dirt which, in extreme cases, may promote mould/fungus growth.

Abrasive cleaners should NEVER be used. The use of “wash and go” cleaners should also be avoided as some have a high acidic content which - over time - may cause discoloration or damage to the surface of the panels. Do not allow paint stripper, nail varnish, spirits, dry cleaning agents, w.c. cleaners or bleach to come in to contact with the panel surface.

For more information on ShowerWall superclean, please follow the instructions provided on the back of the bottle.

This guide was created for reference only. can not be held responsible for injury or damage caused if you decide to use this method.

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