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MX Thermo Plus QI Electric Shower - White & Chrome - 9.5kw

Price £192.00 inc. VAT
Code: GC2
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MX Thermostatic Plus QI (9.5kW) White & Chrome GC2

This stylishly designed shower with chrome accents is a high quality thermostatically controlled electric shower with a modern white and chrome multimode showerhead. It has a secret until illuminated temperature indicator on the front of the shower unit along with minimal touch push button operating controls. This shower has great safety features too, with maximum temperature lock, audible feedback and unit shutdown to name but a few. The Thermostatic Plus also come with a free chrome fascia.


* Fully Thermostatically Controlled
* 8 Way Facility For Plumbing & Electrics
* Push Button Start/Stop
* Fully Temperature and Flow Stabilised
* Set and Forget Temperature Selection
* 3 Setting Visual Push Button Flow Control
* Automatic Visual Phased Shut Down at Switch Off
* Audible Feedback to Push Button Commands
* LED Temperature Display
* Automatic High Temperature Shut Down to Protect User
* Additional Safety High Temperature Cut Off
* Programmable Auto Shut Down
* 3 Mode Rub Clean Showerhead
* Free Chrome Fascia Included

Removable Filter

The Filter can be serviced quickly and easily without the removal of any parts. (Available on the whole of the MX QI range)

Fully Adjustable Riser Rail

Fully adjustable lower bracket. Ideal for new or replacement installations

Shipping: Can ship only within Mainland United Kingdom
Code: GC2
Product Details
Electric Shower

MX Thermo Plus QI Electric Shower - White & Chrome - 9.5kw

MX Thermo Plus QI Electric Shower - White & Chrome - 9.5kw
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