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5 Mains Health Benefits of Steam Showers

15 Mar 2016, 4:27 PM

The Five Main Health Benifits Of Steam Showers

Steam showers offer a host of benifits when it comes to the showering experience, technology and installation benifits, but they also offer a host of health benifits. The benefits of steam shower go far beyond just helping to alleviate stiff muscles, stress relief and sniffling noses and that’s why they are now popular in peoples homes.

Five Health Benifits

Stress relief:

One of the most powerful benefits of steam showers is their ability to reduce both physical and mental stress. While stress can cause people to feel anxious, wired, and overworked, it can also manifest itself as sore or tense muscles. By increasing blood circulation, steam expands muscle tissue and releases tightness. The warm air also helps release endorphins in the brain, which relaxes the mind and relieves mental tension.

Clearer skin:

People who take at least two steam showers a week find that it improves the clarity of their skin over time. Steam has the ability to unclog pores and remove deeply trapped congestion from under the surface of the skin. Here's how it works: Steam causes increased perspiration, which can push trapped dirt, dead skin cells, and surface bacteria out from the upper dermal layers where it can then be washed away easily. The results of regular steam showers are seen in long-term clear skin that is free from blackheads, pimples, and congestion bumps.

Metabolism and weight loss:

Regular steam showers can even assist with weight management. Hot steam increases blood flow by stimulating the lymphatic system which, in turn, helps to speed up the metabolism. A higher metabolic rate means that your body burns more calories per day. A healthy lifestyle and diet combined with regular steam showers can result in effective weight loss and a healthy body.

Increased circulation:        

Steam showers are an excellent way to naturally boost circulation throughout the body. Increased circulation brings more oxygen to cells and decreases the risk of hypertension and hardened arteries, and it increases muscle function. Increased circulation also means more blood flowing through the heart, which helps combat fatigue and exhaustion.

Infection treatment:

A major benefit of regular steam showers is relief from respiratory infections. Specialists list steam showers as an at-home treatment for conditions such as laryngitis and sinus infections. The warm, wet heat opens airways and soothes inflammation in the lungs and nasal cavity, increasing your comfort as well as helping to shorten the duration of the infection.

If you are interested in steam showers, why not view our online range available to purchase today.

The content on this site is not intended to substitute for the advice of a qualified physician, pharmacist, or other licensed healthcare professional. The products may have additional information and instructions on or inside the packaging that you should carefully read and follow. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.

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